Week 8
Software Engineering (CS 373) Spring 2017
This is the the last week before Spring Break. We had a talk about Google's Cloud Platform on Monday and a talk about AWS on Wednesday. We are all gearing up to work on Phase 1 of the IDB project. The goal of the project is to create something similar to IMDB. My group has decided to scrape Crunchbase and make a website that will give you information about various companies, investors, and people. We have also decided that we will be using React, Bootstrap, Flask, and SQLAlchemy.
What's in your way?The team for this project is larger than usual and that means that coordination is key. We have set up Trello and integrated it with our Slack channel. Still, especially with everyone disappearing for Spring break, getting the website up will be a bit of a challenge.
What will you do next week?We will be adding issues to GitHub, getting everything necessary set up and then building the website. We need to get most of the work done this week so that we will have time next week to write the report and fulfill all of the other requirements.
What’s my experience of the class?The large project part of this class has just started. While my experience so far in the class has been largely positive, this next week could change that. I am hopeful and I am glad that Professor Downing is having us work in large groups, though. We will have many projects like this when we work in industry. I just wish, though, that we could meet more but with everyone's schedule affected by Spring break, what we accomplish next week will be determined by each person's motivation and willingness to work during break.
What's my pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?Use codepen.io to quickly prototype your frontend. It's quick and easy to use. It even has a collab mode but that costs money. You can use teamviewer instead to collaborate. I think this would be especially useful for collaboration on this project when team members are not all in Austin.