Week 2
Software Engineering (CS 373) Spring 2017
I have spent a lot more time on personal projects and coursework this week. I have gotten used to my schedule, of course, by now. For Software Engineering, specifically, this week, we talked about Coverage and tested it on the is_prime function, and we started on the Collatz project. A few days ago, I finally finished the HackerRank challenge. It was a good problem and I learned a lot while trying to optimize my code to pass all of the tests.
What's in your way?My time management this week has been a lot better compared to last week. I get to class around 5 minutes before class starts. That said, I think a major obstacle will be the recruiting events. Although I already have my internship for the summer, I am still going to recruiting events to see if there might be something interesting for the fall semester. Now, I have an interview scheduled for next week and career fairs start next week as well. I need to get ahead on my coursework now so that I will have the time to attend the recruiting events for the next few weeks.
What will you do next week?I will first look to finish the Collatz project. Following that, I will need to complete my first assignment for Algorithms and Complexity. With those two done, I will be done with all the major work for next week. I will then spend the rest of my time getting ahead on coursework, attending FOCS and recruiting events, and doing some personal projects.
What’s my experience of the class?As we spend more time talking about good coding practices and testing, I feel that the quality of all the code I am outputting has improved a lot. I now keep track of issues on the GitHub issue tracker for my personal projects as well and I am enjoying the experience. I'm still not a fan of the daily 10am quizzes but I'm sure that I will get used to that.
What's my pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?Since we are using git log for the Collatz project, I thought I would mention git-recall. It is a nice tool to look back at your Git repo's history. It's not a game changer in any way but it is definitely easier than having to go online or even look through git log.